Today: The patient signs in then fills out a form on a clipboard and the staff enters the information.
Future: A patient enters the dental office and immediately the PDA (personal digital assistant; that is a combination handheld computer, cell phone, web browser, camera, music video player and GPS) in their pocket or purse connects with the dental software system in the office using a wireless connection. This alerts the dental office the patient is there and also instantly updates all personal information such as address, insurance, or changes in family status.
Today: The patient fills out a medical history on paper on the clipboard. Hopefully they can remember everything.
Future: The patients health history is accessed from the national data base and an artificial intelligence (AI) program analyses the information and sends back a condensed report with specific conditions noted and a series of interview questions to ask the patient and appropriate measures stipulated for dental procedures.
Today: The dentist with the help of an assistant gathers diagnostic information; he/she sticks the teeth with an explorer, observes the tissue, probes the sulcus, palpates, looks for red or white lesions, checks the bite with carbon paper, takes radiographs and fills the patients mouth with goo to make a study model.
The dentist then makes a diagnosis based on his/her subjective evaluations of how things looked or felt compared to some personal norm based on training and experience.
Future: All diagnostic information is collected in a few minutes using two digital scanning devices. A cone beam like device does two rapid radiographic scans of the head one with the teeth occluded and another as the patient opens wide. The second device goes in the mouth and does scans with different types of light. This intraoral scan picks up changes in temperature indicating inflammation; it detects bacterial fluorescence indicating the effectiveness of home care and carious activity. It detects calculus. It evaluates translucence. It detects changes in the epithelium that indicate cancer or other changes.
This digital information isn't seen by the dentist but is examined by the dental software. Once the data is collected the software using artificial intelligence compares all the findings to a gigantic data base. The data base and the diagnostic software are not in the dental office but stored on enormous secure servers the dentist can access through the Internet. The data base has a huge range of both normal and pathological findings. Based on this the software provides a differential diagnosis, a very accurate probability of diagnostic accuracy and a course of treatment.
The software displays a 3D image of the mouth, the hard and soft tissue, even facial features. The dentist can manipulate the image in space to observe from all sides and even watch the TMJ move through an opening sequence. The software can zoom in to display a single tooth, highlight a lesion or show bacterial plaque.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Bluetooth Wireless Keyboard Is Now The Future
It is clear that one of the most important trends in computing, for both desktop PCs and notebook computers, is wireless connectivity. Anytime one surveys the massive tangle of wire, cables and cords that are common with any computer setup, it is evident that less would be more. This trend to eliminate as many computer cords as possible is one reason why the Bluetooth wireless keyboard will eventually replace their corded counterparts.
Because of the advances in battery life and in wireless technology networking, the day is coming that everything that needs to communicate with your computer, from the keyboard to the mouse and every other needed peripheral, will do so wirelessly. Apple once again seems to be leading the way, as they have been the first to make the enabled keyboard, of this technology, part of the standard suite of equipment that comes with their new iMac. Their keyboard is also a perfect compliment to their Apple Bluetooth Wireless Mighty Mouse, which has some additional fresh features for the humble mouse.
Other manufacturers are also offering enabled keyboard models of this technology, which can be used with any enabled computer of this technology, be it a desktop model or a laptop. In fact, these keyboards can also be used with a handheld computer or with a Bluetooth wireless technology PDA. While you probably don't want to lug around your keyboard with your PDA, it can be a nice option if you want to quickly add contacts or notes from the home or office where you are using your keyboard.
If you are ready to make the switch to a Bluetooth wireless keyboard and a mouse, then one of the more popular options is the Rocketfish Wireless Multimedia Bluetooth Keyboard and Laser Mouse. This combination package of keyboard and mouse employs mobile wireless technology networking that has been getting very positive reviews from users. One note though, it will only operate with Windows computers and not with any Apple Macintosh personal computers.
Both the Rocketfish enabled keyboard of this technology and the wireless mouse utilize a USB adapter key, which is included in the package. This USB adapter key uses the WIDCOMM version 5.1, which gives the devices a range of up to 60 feet. However, this range might be considered overkill since not much will be readable on your computer screen at a distance of 60 feet, not matter how big the words or how sharp your eyes.
Not only does the USB key drive both the Rocketfish mouse and keyboard, but it also functions as a hub. This hub function allows you to transfer digital files to and from your computer or any other enabled device.
Reviewers have commented that the Rocketfish enabled keyboard of this technology is very thin and is also very stylishly designed and comes with a comfortable wrist pad built right into the unit. The keyboard has 104 keys for all the normal functions, and it also boasts 10 bonus keys.
These are "one-touch" keys that are intended to be used for multimedia access and control. For instance, one of the keys will open up an internet browser, one will get email, and still another will access the help screens. There are also dedicated keys for playing DVDs, with such functions as play, rewind, pause and fast forward, as well as keys for volume and mute.
The Bluetooth wireless keyboard and the mouse are just the first step in eliminating the wires and cords that can be so annoying and cumbersome. In addition to the convenience of working without wires, thanks to today's mobile wireless technology, there are also some real benefits in ergonomics. With a wireless keyboard and mouse, you will no longer be limited to where you can position your keyboard, but can place it where it is most comfortable and where you are in an ergonomically correct position.
Educate yourself further about bluetooth wireless keyboard from Mike Selvon articles portal. Your feedback is valued and appreciated at our bluetooth wireless technology blog where a free audio gift awaits you.
Because of the advances in battery life and in wireless technology networking, the day is coming that everything that needs to communicate with your computer, from the keyboard to the mouse and every other needed peripheral, will do so wirelessly. Apple once again seems to be leading the way, as they have been the first to make the enabled keyboard, of this technology, part of the standard suite of equipment that comes with their new iMac. Their keyboard is also a perfect compliment to their Apple Bluetooth Wireless Mighty Mouse, which has some additional fresh features for the humble mouse.
Other manufacturers are also offering enabled keyboard models of this technology, which can be used with any enabled computer of this technology, be it a desktop model or a laptop. In fact, these keyboards can also be used with a handheld computer or with a Bluetooth wireless technology PDA. While you probably don't want to lug around your keyboard with your PDA, it can be a nice option if you want to quickly add contacts or notes from the home or office where you are using your keyboard.
If you are ready to make the switch to a Bluetooth wireless keyboard and a mouse, then one of the more popular options is the Rocketfish Wireless Multimedia Bluetooth Keyboard and Laser Mouse. This combination package of keyboard and mouse employs mobile wireless technology networking that has been getting very positive reviews from users. One note though, it will only operate with Windows computers and not with any Apple Macintosh personal computers.
Both the Rocketfish enabled keyboard of this technology and the wireless mouse utilize a USB adapter key, which is included in the package. This USB adapter key uses the WIDCOMM version 5.1, which gives the devices a range of up to 60 feet. However, this range might be considered overkill since not much will be readable on your computer screen at a distance of 60 feet, not matter how big the words or how sharp your eyes.
Not only does the USB key drive both the Rocketfish mouse and keyboard, but it also functions as a hub. This hub function allows you to transfer digital files to and from your computer or any other enabled device.
Reviewers have commented that the Rocketfish enabled keyboard of this technology is very thin and is also very stylishly designed and comes with a comfortable wrist pad built right into the unit. The keyboard has 104 keys for all the normal functions, and it also boasts 10 bonus keys.
These are "one-touch" keys that are intended to be used for multimedia access and control. For instance, one of the keys will open up an internet browser, one will get email, and still another will access the help screens. There are also dedicated keys for playing DVDs, with such functions as play, rewind, pause and fast forward, as well as keys for volume and mute.
The Bluetooth wireless keyboard and the mouse are just the first step in eliminating the wires and cords that can be so annoying and cumbersome. In addition to the convenience of working without wires, thanks to today's mobile wireless technology, there are also some real benefits in ergonomics. With a wireless keyboard and mouse, you will no longer be limited to where you can position your keyboard, but can place it where it is most comfortable and where you are in an ergonomically correct position.
Educate yourself further about bluetooth wireless keyboard from Mike Selvon articles portal. Your feedback is valued and appreciated at our bluetooth wireless technology blog where a free audio gift awaits you.
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